This item includes all three of Shirley Shalaby’s books, whose contributions have been instrumental in promoting etiquette and image consulting in Egypt and the Middle East. Her first book, Fann el Etiquette, or The Art of Etiquette, was launched in Arabic in 2001. The manual offers a set of practical guidelines on etiquette and proper behavior in contemporary Egyptian society. Her first English book, Beyond Charm: The Essential Etiquette Guide for Middle Eastern and Global Youth, serves as a culmination of action research as well as Shalaby’s own experience, insights, and advice in a visual and friendly manner. In her most recent book, Timeless Beauty, Shalaby reflects upon the evolution of beauty standards through her live autobiography and her own encounter with the world of Style.
Shirley Shalaby is a distinguished author and pioneer in the field of etiquette and image consulting in Egypt. She graduated from Cairo University's Faculty of Arts with a degree in English Literature and has an extensive background in professional modeling and image building, having worked in Canada, the US, and the UK. Throughout her career, Shalaby has continually developed, tested, and updated educational standards, manuals, and norms in Corporate Style Advising. Not to mention, her seminars are renowned for enhancing personality development, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being.
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